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Client Interest Policy

In order to comply with the Solicitors Accounts Rules 2019, it is Minster Law’s policy to pay clients interest on a fair and reasonable basis. Monies that are received on the client’s behalf will be paid into Minster Law’s client account. Interest on client money is calculated when the monies have cleared, and is worked out on a daily basis, and compounded on an annual basis. Minster Law will account to clients for interest at the end of their claim. If the calculated total interest due at the end of the claim is less than £25, then no interest will be paid. The current rate of interest that Minster Law pays on money due to clients is available from the Finance Department. Clients are unlikely to receive as much interest as they might have done had they invested the money themselves.

A list of Directors is available from the registered office:

Minster Law Ltd.
Kingfisher House
Peel Avenue
Wakefield WF2 7UA

Registered in England No. 4659625.

Minster Law Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under No. 383018.

Minster Law Limited VAT number : 466 9293 40