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Our Minster Law Training Contracts present a fantastic opportunity for aspiring solicitors to experience different areas of the company and develop a complete understanding of how a personal injury business operates. Our quality training programme, which is spread across two years and six different seats, helps trainees to develop both their legal and commercial skills as well as gain practical experience and responsibility via direct contact with clients.

Ryan Jummun undertook a Training Contract with Minster Law in 2011 and qualified as a solicitor in 2013. He has since secured a permanent position with Minster Law and is keen to explain how valuable he believes Training Contracts are to the development of future solicitors.

“The thing that interested me most about Minster Law’s Training Contracts programme was the opportunity it gives trainees to discover and understand some of the non-legal parts of working within a personal injury business. This provides a more perceptive understanding of the business as a whole. The training enabled me to build in confidence and demonstrate that I am a dependable member of the team. The transition from trainee to solicitor was difficult, but the Training Contracts programme equipped me with skills that I continue to use daily and have built on since qualification.”

“I chose to undertake a Training Contract instead of the other possible routes because I felt it was an ideal way for me to progress from a graduate to a qualified solicitor. Having built up experience running my own cases as well as making decisions and key contacts, I was keen to remain within a company that invests in its own people – like Minster Law.

“I am now working with some of the most experienced lawyers in the business and we provide advice and guidance to other lawyers as well as dealing with some of the most challenging cases.”

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